and make our home with him." ... Jesus ... John 14:23
Holding these words in our hearts, we opened the door
to the every day Presence of Jesus, walking
with us ... teaching us ... The Way.
And, onto the mountain,
there came the words promised...
Sunday Sermons
Be Still, and
Know, I AM
“On this day, I bring to you, The Grace of God, in a most special way. I breathe upon you, The Breath of Life. Draw it into your being, and hear what I say, to you… ...
Be still, and know, I AM.
“Repeat the words, at the sacred altar within, and feel them reverberate, throughout your being…Be still, and know, I AM.
“The words are powerful, and they are, profound; for, it is not a message for the past; and it is not a promise for the future; it is a pronouncement of the present, Presence of God with you...Be still, and know, I AM.
“Know that God is with you, now! Open yourself fully to the power of these words; and take these words with you into this new day, into this new week, set before you. Repeat them often, because they will alter the course of your week. No chaos will overshadow you, if you repeat these words: ‘Be still, and know, I AM;’ because it brings God to the present, to the hour, to the minute, to you. And if you ‘know,’ these words, you can be the instrument used, to bring The Presence of God, to all you encounter this day, and this week, as it unfolds.
“If these words are on your lips, and on your heart, repeated hourly, each day of this week, a Great Peace, will settle wherever you go; because, you will bring The Presence of God, in a more profound way, by acknowledging, the present, and The Presence, of God.
“This is My message to you; it is another Key; it is The Way, to live your life upon the Earth, in peace, and to assist others to do so as well. So on this day, repeat the words, write them down, breathe them in, and exhale them out, to the universe…
“I AM with you. “As the sun rises, and a new day begins, I AM with you. And, on this day, I say unto you, these words:
“Perseverance in the face of adversity requires faith. Peace and tranquility blossom and flower in The Garden of Faith, which dwells within the one who is in balance and harmony with All That Is.
“When you are in balance and harmony with All That Is, you desire to do The Will of God, you ‘know,’ it is your mission to bring The Kingdom of Heaven onto the Earth, through your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds.
“Faith is the staff that will support you on your mission. And when, upon your journey, you encounter adversity, you will lean on faith, as you pray and ask, ‘Am I to drink from this cup, or can I set this cup aside?’
“And, if the answer comes from God, that this cup can be set aside, you will receive guidance, that will assist you in moving the obstacles in your way, and you will continue your journey.
“But, if the Word comes from God, that you are to drink from the cup, then you will walk into your time of trying, led by The Holy Spirit of God. And you shall emerge from the shadows into The Light of God; and, with your staff of faith, continue your mission, along The Way.
“Perseverance in the face of adversity requires faith.
“It is your journey. It is your mission. It is your cup to pick-up and drink, or to set aside. It is all yours, and with faith, you will be led, by The Holy Spirit of God.
“Perseverance in the face of adversity requires faith.
“And so I say to you, My brother, and I say to you, My sister, rise-up and walk the Earth. Bring forth The Kingdom of Heaven, through your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds! And The Holy Spirit of God will guide you, all of your days.
“Be at Peace.”
Sunday Sermons
Aug.12, 2007
Trust, Believe,
In The Face of Chaos
“I AM with you. Feel My Presence!”
“I AM with you, on this day, and every day. It is My promise to you, ‘If you love Me, I will live with you.’ And you will feel Me, and hear Me. I will touch you. You are My sister, you are My brother, We are One, One united, in the eternal Creator.
“Feel My Presence. Feel the Peace that flows from My Presence around you, precious, precious Peace. Earth would be a garden, if there were more open vessels; for, this Peace that you feel right now, is the Peace that flows to Me, and overflows from Me, onto you. It comes from the Source of All That Is, The Creator. And this Peace is yours, always.
“On this day, I wish to speak to you about being Peace, in the face of chaos.
“Being Peace, in the face of chaos, requires trust. It requires trusting, that Divine Guidance will show The Way. It requires believing, that The Holy Spirit of God is in you.
“Trust and believe, for it is so. You see, I did not cast the words out of My mouth without purpose, when I spoke to those who were with Me in flesh, saying: ‘It is time for Me to go back home. But do not concern yourself. I will not leave you wandering. I will send to you, guidance. When I return to The Father, and tell Him, then He will agree, and We will send to you, a Counselor, who will lead you.’
“These words I spoke, with intent. For, the ways on Earth can be difficult to navigate. And so there has come from the Heavenly Dimension, a Source to guide you, and all beings. Every human being on Earth has the capability, to tap into Divine Guidance. It requires the will to do so, and that is all.
“Peace, in the face of chaos, requires trust. For when your worldly wanderings lead you into a place of shadow, and despair, you are not alone. The Holy Spirit of God is there, with you. You do not stand alone.
“If you will go to the center of your being, and call forth the Peace of God, it will flow over you, no matter where you are, because, no matter where you are, there too is The Holy Spirit of God, Who dwells within you.
“And, if your faith extends to reach your hand toward Me, I will be with you, in a special way, and I will say unto you: ‘I, your Brother, Am here, with you. Do not shake with fear. Do not cry. Pray. And feel The Spirit of God within you. Come, let us be on our Way. There is much to do.’ These things I promise you.
“To be Peace, in the face of chaos, requires trust, and belief. You can quiet, an angry crowd, by being still. Send from you the tempters, who whisper words of fear, and anguish, and concern, and doubt, anxiety, hatred, loathing, unforgiveness. These are but the fuel that will whip the flames of chaos, even higher. The way to quiet, the angry voices, is with silence, stillness. And, in the quiet, summon forth the Peace of God.
“I tell you this, because it is the Truth, that will enable you to meet chaos, and walk through it. For many, it will be The Way to meet chaos, and dissolve it.
“The Power of God is pure, and peaceful, and serene, and tranquil. It does not need to be loud to prove a point. The Power of God is eternal. The Power of God is eternally within you.
“Trust. Believe. And be, Peace, in the face of chaos.
“Feel My Peace, as it is with you now. Carry My Peace with you into the day. And let it flow from you in every way, covering all who come to you, with precious, precious Peace. On this day, I say unto you, it is possible:
“Trust, and believe, and be Peace.”
Sunday Sermons
Be Love
In The Face Of
Hatred, Anger, Animosity
“I AM with you, on this day, as I AM with you every day, every hour, every minute. I AM with you. Open to My Presence. And as I AM with you on this day, I wish to give you this Key…
“To be love, in the face of hatred, anger, animosity, requires that you relinquish, your free will choice, so that The Glory of God might shine…through…you. It requires, that you desire, The Love of God to supersede your need to be right, to prove a point, to win a fight, whether it be verbal, or physical. It requires that you take off the robe of self-importance to be clothed in The Light of God.
“That is it!”
“To stand in the face of hatred, anger, or animosity, requires that you open to The Love of God, and let it flow through you. That is all. That is it.
“And, you might say, ‘If it is that easy, why is it not done more?’ And I say to you, it shall be done more! It will be done more, when it is upon the heart of the beings, temporarily in the form of human beings, to choose that God’s Will be done. God’s Will is for anger, hatred, animosity to cease. And it is done, one being at a time.
“It is good to pray, to ask, that nations, locked in combat, see The Light, are bathed in Peace. But it is far better to be the instrument of Peace, one being to one being at a time. This is what I ask of you this day. This is what I ask you to carry into this new week set before you. I ask that you place The Will of God over your need to be right, to prove a point, to win a fight. If you will do this for only one day, you will sense a great feeling of Peace.
“When you permit, The Will of God to work through you, any anger, hatred, animosity that is brought to you, ceases. And, once you have done it with one being, there will be another that comes to you. And that hatred, anger, animosity, will stop, with you. Soon, The Holy Spirit will guide to you, those who will give you the opportunity, to do the work of God on Earth, in a most marvelous way.
“So, I ask you this week: ‘Stand up, be The Champion of God, look for every opportunity, and welcome it when it comes. And when there stands one, or more, before you that show the signs of hatred, anger, or animosity, relinquish your free will choice to add to these energies, so that The Glory of Godmight shine through you creating...
Sunday Sermons
The Gifts
- Of God -
Are Carried
Within Your Being
“I AM with you; on this day, I walk with you. Every step you take along The Way, I AM with you! And on this day I say unto you:
“The Gifts of God are carried within your being. You are a vessel, filled with Heavenly treasurers. You hold the keys, which unlock doors, revealing all that you need, to accomplish your mission.
“You are a Child of God, sent from Heaven, to journey over the Earth. And you were not sent unprepared to meet the obstacles, and opportunities, you will find along The Way. You have been given Gifts by the Creator, talents, that will assist you on your mission. You are ‘marked,’ as a Child of God.
“Just as your physical body carries DNA, which distinguishes you from every other human being who has ever walked the face of the Earth, your spiritual being carries DNA, which distinguishes you as a unique piece of The One.
“There will never be another you. And your Earthly experiences are as unique, as you are, unique, within the Body of God. As you walk the Earth, you will come to experience certain situations that have never been experienced before, because of your particular make-up, your constitution, physically, and spiritually. It is a grand experience, and you are the Master of your time on Earth.
“When it is that you are to come Home, you will seal, all that you have done, and it will bear your ‘mark,’ for all eternity, uniquely, your own, Earthly, experience.
“Think on this. God has blessed you with all you need. And now, what you need to do is to open your gifts, use your talents! Do not return Home having talents that have not been used in your coffers, for the more you use your talents, the more there will be. They will be multiplied, and magnified. And the Glory of God will shine about you as you use these gifts, these talents.
“If you are a Child of God on the path, and you find that you are open to Spirit, and the Glory of God is shining about you, continue on! Mark your way! Write your name in the stars!
“If you are a Child of God who has stumbled, or fallen, celebrate! Celebrate the nobility, of the rising-up of the human being, helped by the Hand of Spirit! And mark your way with your sign, so all will see!
“If you are a Child of God who is dealing with a body that is in distress, or carrying disease, celebrate your perseverance to complete your mission!
“These things I tell you, so that you might ‘know,’ the importance of your unique experience, and the importance of using the gifts you have been given to assist you in your mission. For the more you use them, the more the Glory of God will shine through them. It is important that you do not return, Home, having not used your talents.
Gifts of God
are carried within your being.
You are a vessel filled with Heavenly treasures.
You are
for the journey
you are making.
It is your time. There will
never be another you. Mark eternity,
for the Glory of God. And be at Peace.”
Sunday Sermons
Sept.2 ,2007
God Is Within You,
You Are A Piece of God
“In celebration of this day, I say to you, My brother, My sister: ‘I AM with you.’ In celebration of this day, I say to you:
“‘God is within you. You are, uniquely, a piece of God.’
“Say this to yourself! If you say, ‘I am uniquely a piece of God,’ you will not feel any doubt. It will fit. You see, once you say this, from your core being, you will ‘know,’ it is true. So I encourage each of you to say it, ‘I am uniquely a piece of God.’ And each time you say it, it settles to a comfortable place within your being. And it is then, that you ‘know, it is true.’ Even for those who say it, sometimes, without proper preparation, the grasping of it, evades them. But if you are silent, and still, and prayerful, and make this statement, you will ‘feel, and know, it is true.’
“To define, in Earthly terms, your connection with God, My connection with God, it is important to use an example, as outwardly visible, as, let’s say, the human body. If you desire to hear, you do not use your foot. The foot has properties that would not function in a way to permit you to hear. If you desire to move, you would not use your ear. Your ear has properties, designed for a function. The properties do not permit it to walk. The foot is a piece of the body. But you would not look at a foot, and say, this is the body. You look at the foot, and say this is the foot, a unique piece of the body, without it, the body is not complete and whole. The same thing goes for the cells, for the skin, for the sinew, for the bones, for an eye, for an elbow, unique pieces of the body, yet separated, and set aside. You would not call an elbow the body. You would be more inclined to say, that is an elbow, it is a piece of the body.
“This is repeated, from other messages, other days, other nights. But, it gives a very good description, of how each being is uniquely a piece of God.
“Think on it, so that you might come, to the right resolution. It is not easy, to resolve these things, when you are upon the Earth, because there is, usually, a desire to comprehend how something is working; however, there is the limitation of ‘as you know it, on Earth.’ If you will open, to The Holy Spirit of God, if you will open, to your guardian angels, if you will open, to My Presence, you will ‘know things,’ that are not confined, or restricted, by the laws of Earth.
“I will tell you, on this day that once you complete your mission on Earth, and you return, through the Hallways of the Dimensions, back to Heaven, from whence you came, you will see clearly. There is a Kingdom of Heaven. And, it exists. It is close to you right now.
“Beings populate the Kingdom of Heaven, unconfined and unrestricted, by the physical form of a body. Heavenly beings manifest, or show, themselves to be, however they desire to be. And the prevailing desire in the Heavenly Kingdom is to be ‘of Love and Light,’ so the beings, who occupy this Kingdom, created by God, glow in the Light.
“Beings gather together in Heaven. The desire of beings of the Heavenly Dimension is to do certain things that will benefit all beings of all time. There are no ‘egos,’ to feed, for the ‘desire,’ is ‘the benefit of the One.’ You can see God in the gatherings. You see the form of God, in all things.
“I say this to you, and leave it open, not pulled together so tightly, so that you might takes these things, and walk into the week, and ask, ‘Show this to me, so I might understand it more fully.’ And, each of you will receive information, suiting your particular personality, something that you can hold onto, something that you can see, and know, is true.
“The Kingdom of Heaven exists! It is real. It is right next to you; in fact, it is in you! The being that you are, ‘knows this.’ You are ‘of the Kingdom of Heaven.’
“These things are important for you to remember! You are extending the Kingdom of Heaven onto the Earth. Be aware, of how you feel, when you say the words, ‘I am, uniquely, a piece of God.’ Before you finish that statement, you will probably hear within you, ‘Yes you are My child, and I AM with you.’ You are connected to the Kingdom of God!
“I came forth, in the body of a man, to walk the Earth, to say: ‘Brothers and sisters, you are residents of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of God. Know this: You carry the Kingdom, within you. You are a citizen of Heaven!’
“There are many things that will assist you, in changing your desires. And this is one of them…a key…that I give unto you. Once you know this, you will ‘choose,’ you will desire, to work with the energies of Light and Love. Once you grasp it fully, you will want your unique piece of the One to function, at its optimum performance.
“Remember, a body, moving in unison, whole and in balance, serene and
tranquil, moving over the Earth, all of the pieces functioning, each piece unique, each piece, doing what it does best; but functioning, for the higher good of the body.
“In the coming month, these words will hold great meaning for you. Right now you might be wondering, ‘What is the point of this lesson? I know I am a child of God.’ But I say unto you, until you more fully ‘realize and know,’ it will not be complete.
“Be at Peace.”
Sunday Sermons
The Power,
And The Kingdom,
Of God, Is Within You
“On this day, I AM with you. I say unto you, I AM with you every day. Come. Sit with Me. Listen to the words I say unto you, for these are the Words of God:
“To walk The Way, to be the Living Word of God, requires surrender, sweet surrender to the Divine Plan, sweeping away your ego, and saying, ‘I will be Your instrument God. Move me, to do Your will. Use me: to write the words; to speak the words; to touch Your children; to tend the Earth.’ And through you, great miracles will be done, in the Name of God! For I say unto you, you carry The Kingdom of God, within you!
“I say this to you because great things will be accomplished, if you will set aside
the things of matter: your ego; the things that you want to do; or think perhaps would be the thing for others to do. And the minute that happens, this little door swings open within you, and The Kingdom of God is flowing. And it is at that time that The Kingdom of God flows through you, onto the Earth.
“I repeat to you, The Kingdom of God is within you! When you acknowledge this, when you accept this fully, then it will flow through you onto the Earth. My brother, My sister, it is possible! But you must believe, and surrender, to the Will of God. And then, great things shall be done, by your hands, and your feet, and your heart, and your mind. They will be things ‘of God.’ For it is in this way, that The Kingdom of God will come flowing, onto the face of Earth.
“This day I say unto you, walk The Way,
and be The Living Word of God.
For, it is in you, to do.
The Kingdom of God
is within you!
Know this!
“Be at Peace.”
Sunday Sermons
Teaches On:
Accept, And Enjoy,
The Gifts Of Simple Pleasures
“Comes the new day, and I AM with you. Welcome the new day, and ‘know,’ I AM with you!
“Come sit! On this day, I wish to speak to you, about: enjoying The Gifts, of Simple Pleasures.
“On this day, I ask you: ‘Be still . . . be quiet . . . be peaceful!’
“Calm the urge to speak and talk of frivolous things. And open the Gifts, The Holy Spirit brings to Earth at this time.
“If you choose to set yourself aside this day, and be still, your lifetime on Earth will be greatly enhanced for doing so.
“Look at the sky; whether it is a brilliant blue, or covered with clouds, look at the sky. Breathe it in. Be one with it.
“Sit, and watch a solitary leaf, twirling its way from the treetop to the grass below. Watch its journey, watch it flow. You will learn much from the leaf on the breeze, floating, in the Hand of God.
“Take yourself to a place, and find a small creature: an insect; a butterfly; a bee; a bird; and give it your full attention, watching; watching as if you heard it call to you, ‘Come and see, the things I do.’
“Take yourself aside: to a pond; or a pool; or a river; or a stream; and watch
the water moving, touching grasses, rocks, moving onward. Listen to the song it sings, or listen to the beautiful silence, of a still pool.
“When I walked the face of the Earth, there was much to do. I traveled from town to town, and in My ministry, I spoke to hundreds, or thousands, of people gathered. Sometimes I would go to individuals, and speak to them of the Love of God, and great forgiveness, for all things. I moved about, in action, doing that which God asked of Me.
“But then, I set Myself aside, for days, to rest and relax, to breathe in the
things of Earth, so I might take this energy back home, so I might ‘know it,’ as My Earth experience. And when you breathe in these things of Earth, they fuel you, fulfill you, and give you the power to move into a new day.
“The Gifts of Simple Pleasures will enhance your lifetime. They will bring you great wisdom. Stop the harried movements. Slow your pace. Take yourself to a quiet place, and be still!
“Accept The Gifts Of Simple Pleasures!”
Sunday Sermons
You Are A
Child Of God,
God Is Our Father,
Bring Heaven To Earth,
Master The Energies Around You
“I AMwith you. I AM, always, with you! It is important for you to remember, and to ‘know:’ ‘You are My brother. You are My sister. I instructed you, to begin your Earthly prayers, saying: ‘Our Father,’ because God is My Father, your Father, Our Father! This very day, God is with you, lives with you. God loves you. I told you, if you love Me, I will come and live with you. I have also told you that I will reveal Myself to you. Because you are a child of God, you can do all that I did, and even more. Know this. I have said it, many times. It is important that you know, truly ‘know,’ you are a child of God.
“My brother, My sister, I tell you: ‘The day you truly know, you are a child of God, your journey upon the Earth will change.’ It will become grand in scope. The things that you, at one time, would call a great obstacle, will be for you at that moment, a golden opportunity. For, when you recognize, that you are a child of God, you will also know your responsibility. And you will ‘Master the Energies,’ of that particular situation. It will no longer be an obstacle. It will truly be an opportunity.
“I have said this to you before; but, I say it to you again: ‘You are a child of God.’ Now, it is up to you, to bring the energies of Heaven upon the Earth. And you can start doing that this minute, this day, this week. And you can change, for all time, for all eternity, the energies of Earth.
“When you come upon a situation that seems to be chaotic, let us say there are people who are agitated, or angry, as a child of God, you can look, and see, that the energy needs to be changed. And you can master the energy of the situation, in such a way, that it is no longer heavy, and filled with darkness, but becomes The Light of God.
“I wish for you to think about this. I wish for you to pray to Our Father, about this. There is no situation too small, to pass by. There is no situation too great, to avoid. You can do all things, through the energy, that comes to you, from God. And once you open the doors, and let it flow through you, you will ‘see,’ and ‘know.’ Remember, the small is as important as the great in size.
“It is time that you take the responsibility, and master the energy about you, and master the energy that is you!
“If you stop right now, and breathe slowly, deeply, The Breath of Life, you will feel it flow, into your body, and fill you. And once you are full, then you release this breath. And it flows from you. And that which you took into your being, flows from you, and feeds other things, fuels other things…trees, grasses. This Breath of Life that you draw upon the Earth is an example. Because if you will stop this moment, and take in The Breath of Spirit, that comes to you directly from God, your Father, if you will pull it into your being, through the top of your head, where your halo is located, if you will draw it in, and hold it, and be blessed by it, then this is the energy, the spiritual energy, that you will release from your being, onto the Earth. And it will be God’s Love.
“This day I ask you: to think upon it; to say the words, and mean them, ‘I am a child of God;’ to see every situation as a golden opportunity; to master the energies of chaos and anger, anxiety and worry, frustration and fear; and change them for all time, to the energy of Peace, to the energy of Light, to the energy of Love.
“This requires that you know who you are. And once you truly know that you are My brother, you are My sister, that we are the children of God, then your journey will be changed. And you will walk the Earth with authority.
“It is time for you to begin. I say unto you: ‘Master the energy that is you! You can do all that I did! Therefore, master the energies all around you!’
“We are One.”
Sunday Sermons
The Key To Bringing
The Kingdom Of Heaven
To Earth, Is To Love One Another
“Look, there comes to you, the new day, filled with golden opportunities. Reach out, and accept the gift. I AM here with you, to begin your New Day.
“I wish to speak to you, so that you might begin your new day, with something to ponder, to think upon. What I wish to say to you is of the utmost importance; and, those of you who grasp the significance, of the words I say, will ‘know,’ it is The Keyto bringing The Kingdom of God onto the Earth.
“It does not require a particular talent, or schooling, or skill. It does not require you to be a man, or a woman, or a child. There is no requirement that you be very young, or young, or middle-aged, or older, or elderly. The only requirement is the desire to do God’s Will. So I say unto you this day, open your heart, and hear the Words, with the ears of your soul...
Love one another!
“It is simple. It do...The Will of God...
Love one another!
“If you will seize the opportunity, you will master the energy, and change eternity.
It is simple. Yet it is how it is to be done, for The Kingdom of God is within you. And The Kingdom of God will come upon the Earth through you: through your thoughts, your words, your deeds. So I say unto you this day, you hold the key. Open your heart. Hear Me, with the ears of your soul...
“The New Command is to Love one another! And, if you do will truly...
“Be at Peace.”
Sunday Sermons
A Strong
For Your Life
“As day becomes rich and full, I AM with you; as the New Day is upon you, I AM with you...
“And on this day, I wish to speak to you, about setting a strong foundation, for the magnificent structure, that is your life. Let us compare it to constructing a grand edifice, or perhaps a monument. You would not begin, by placing beautiful glass windows, here and there in the air. And you would not begin, by landscaping all around the site where your structure would stand. First, you would mark-off the site, clear away the debris, and begin digging and trenching, to pour a firm foundation, before the stories would begin to be set in place, and the monument rise-up. And just as this is so, so it is, with erecting the monument of your life.
“I wish to address, the foundation, first. Because it is in the setting of a solid foundation, that your structure will be strong, and stand in the face of turbulent winds. So I turn you toward ‘the little things,’ of life. I ask you to cast your attention to the daily tasks, the things that happen day-in and day-out, the ordinary, because these, small things, are what create the strength that you will need to rise-up.
“The stories of your life, of your monument, will actually be based on ‘the little things,’ poured into the foundation. So I ask you to concentrate, this week, on the smallest occurrence of your day, and fill it, with love, so that The Light of God will shine upon it, and therein, be glorious.
“Concentrate, when you walk, on ‘blessing the trees,’ as you walk by; or, if it’s the case of walking about in the city, ‘blessing the people,’ as you walk by. Do not put your head down, and push your way through a crowd. Plan ahead, before you walk, or move about, to make time to go into the world ‘blessing.’ So often, as you move about, it is with the purpose of getting from one point to another. And so often, you concentrate on how fast, or how quickly, you can get there. I ask you this week, to slow your pace, and bless the smallest task you perform, and bless every person you encounter!
“Make it your intention to Be God’s Love, as you move about the Earth. For you see, this is the strong foundation, of all the other stories of your life. Just as a strong foundation of a building affects each of the stories contained in the building, the foundation that you build, with acts of kindness and love, affects the stories of your life!
“The only exception, the only difference, between the example, I give you, of constructing a building, and the art of developing, constructing, your life, is that, at any time, you can go back, and adjust your foundation! Even if your foundation was a little ‘off-kilter’ before, you can go back now, and adjust the foundation, by your daily actions, by your thoughts and words, by your blessings. And although it might surprise you, the return, frequently, to check your foundation, will alter the stories, even of your childhood. It will smooth them out; bring balance, where there might have been chaos.
“The stories of your life, will slip into balance and harmony, if you will check
the foundation. And the foundation is comprised of all the little things you do every day. And from the small, will grow the tall, and grand. The stories of your life will rise-up; but, they will be in balance, and harmony, with the land, and all about you.
“This week, concentrate, on the smallest task, every encounter. Bless them, each one, with your love. And you will find that as you review the stories of your life, they will begin to alter, and come more into balance. This week, I ask you, to set a strong foundation, so that you might raise-up a magnificent monument that is your life, on Earth.”
Sunday Sermons
Making Major
Life Changes, Simple
“ANew Day is rising-up before you! Come! I AM with you; I AM always with you; and on this day, I wish to speak to you, about making major life changes, in a simple and most productive way.
“I wish to speak to you about the challenges, and obstacles, you encounter, along your life path; because, the challenges, and obstacles, which you pronounce to be, ‘impossible situations,’ are in fact, and in reality, ‘possible situations,’ waiting to be resolved, and absolved, by you. But to do this, requires desire, and a willingness, to change or modify your thoughts, words, and deeds, in such a way, that the prevailing energy of that moment, or of that particular situation, is The Loving Light of God.
“Once you bring The Healing Light of God to the center of the challenge, or obstacle, or that which you have pronounced to be an ‘impossible situation,’ it is altered, for the present, and eternity. It is altered because you have chosen to use the energy coming to you from God, rather than engaging in, or creating in, the negative energy, or energies, to handle the situation.
“Now, some of you hearing these words, or reading these words, might protest, saying: ‘Well that is good, if it is only that I am using my free will to choose this Light to resolve the matter. But in my case, there is another, or others, who are engaging in this situation as well.’ And I say to those of you who build this wall of protestation: ‘Tear it down.’ Because you see, this is not about another, or others; it is about you, meeting your challenges, and obstacles, and coming to ‘know,’ that it is in using the energy coming to you from God, that you will finally resolve, and absolve, these lessons. In this Way, the situations no longer repeat themselves, or come to you for the learning. Because you will ‘see them,’ in The Light of God; and, you will ‘know them.’
“I use an example. This is what you should do, if there is another involved in your situation. Let us use the challenge, or obstacle, of conflict. Let us use, for example, a co-worker of yours. You see them approaching. You can tell by their manner, that they are upset. And as they approach, you realize that they are upset with you! At this moment, you can ‘choose:’ to engage in the energy they are bringing to you, or create energies of your own to match the energy they are bringing to you, or you can set this energy and your ego, aside, and call on The Light of God to fill you, and the other, or others, approaching.
“And, when they come to you, and you have the opportunity to speak, look into their eyes, and say: ‘We are children of God; and God does not desire us to fight, or be angry with each other. But it is obvious, you have an issue. Therefore, let us clear the air with a prayer.’ Extend you hand, and take theirs, and sit. And invite The Light of God, The Presence of God, into your midst fully! Pray! Do not pray that God point-out to the other, or others, that you are right, and they are wrong. Pray for ‘The Light,’ to resolve this issue, so that you might absolve the issue, and move on. If you will try this, one time, you will find that it will change your life!
“If the children of God on Earth would try this method, a ‘Wave of Grace,’ would
move over the Earth, and each next encounter would be less ‘heavy.’ You must use that
which comes to you from God, first; not resort to it last, if all other things fail! I say unto
you this day: ‘The challenges and obstacles you encounter along your life path are wait-
waiting to be resolved and absolved by you!’
“Which energy will you use?”
Sunday Sermons
Cleaning Up The
Hallways of Eternity,
The Corridors of All Times
“Feel My Presence! I AM with you! Take My Hand, and walk with Me, for I was sent, from The Father! I was sent: so you might ‘see;’ I was sent to gather children so that they might ‘know, the Love,’ so that they might ‘see, the beauty;’ so that they might ‘feel, The Dove!’ The Dove is flying ever near you. Raise your eyes and see The Light. The Dove is ever flying. Feel The Presence of The Dove within you. Feel The Light of God within you. I AM with you! I AM with you; and at these times, when you draw quiet, when you sit still, it is then, that you ‘feel, and know.’
“As you have gathered this morning, as we are united together, I will say something to you that will assist you in your week. My message to you is brief. As you look about you this day, you will see much beauty. But there is something I would like you to ponder this week. And, at first hearing, or reading, you might stop, and wonder, what is this doing here? But I ask you to bear with Me, give me your ear, for it is important. I wish to speak to you about . . . pollution . . . on a grand scale.
“Some of you hearing these words, or reading these words, are actively supporting projects to clean the rivers, and the air, and the Earth. And this is important: clean waters, flowing freely; fish, jumping in the sea; the trees of Earth, the plants of Earth, the great ‘keepers,’ that give you clean air to breathe. All of the things that you can imagine, that fall into the category that comes to mind when you hear this word ‘pollution;’ all of these things that fall within this category are important! For you would not pour toxic chemicals into your water; and you would not cast debris over the land; and you would not dig-up the soil to plant poisonous chemicals that would affect the food you eat. So I say to you this day, your mind is ‘of the intention to clean your environment.’ What I say to you, this day, is this . . . ‘Expand that thought!’
“This week, as you stoop to pick-up a piece of litter, or debris, think, on an eternal level! For, just as you would not disburse a noxious chemical into the water that you desire to be clean, be mindful that when you hold a thought that is anything, but Love, and Light, and Peace, you are casting pollution into eternity!
“Think upon it. Think when you bend down to clean an area that has been ‘trashed,’ as you would say. Expand the thought, and think about the words that you cast into eternity, each day! Do not litter eternity, with unclean thoughts and words and deeds!
“I say this to you today because it is time, and you are ready. There is a Spirit moving over the Earth, into so many of the children of God, and it is raising a unique desire to clean the planet, and to give thanks to Mother Earth, for all that she has provided. For even though she has been assaulted and assailed, she continues to feed the children of God, to clean the children of God, to give the thirsty something to drink, she continues to mind the children of God.
“Now I ask you, My brothers and sisters, to think about cleaning up the hallways of eternity, the rivers of the Heavenly Dimension! Think about this...
“Open your eyes, and see! Open your heart, and feel! Let your thoughts be seeds, scattered on the winds of eternity, to blossom into flowers, in the hallways and the corridors of all times! Let your words flow from you, as living waters, to find the seeds, and give them nourishment! Let your deeds support your thoughts, and your words! Eternity is yours! Be mindful of what you are planting there!
“Be at Peace.”
Sunday Sermons
To A Better
Of The Energies
Of I n t e r a c t i o n
“I AM here, with you! Gather, near Me. Come and sit. I ask you, to hear Me. On this day, I wish to speak briefly to you, about energies. I wish for you to better understand ‘The Energies of Interaction.’ Specifically, the energies created, exchanged, and disbursed, each time, you interact with another human being.
“I have brought this matter to your attention, before. But, its importance is great. It calls out to be readdressed, because there are those among you, who are ready to take a deeper, and more comprehensive, look, at these energies. And as your numbers grow, great healings will take place upon the Earth, because you will comprehend, The Energies of Interaction.
“It is important for you to understand, that you are very powerful; that you are energy! You have, flowing to you, and held within you, ‘the energies of Earth.’ They flow around you and into you every day. You have, within you, and flowing to you, ‘the energies coming, from the Heavenly Dimension.’ These energies move all around you, and into you, and you hold them, and you use them. Everyday, every hour, every minute, you are creating, recreating, diminishing, magnifying, energies.
“You are a powerful, energetic, child of God. And it is time, that you begin to recognize, the powerful energies, that are created, exchanged, and disbursed, every time you interact with another human being. It is important for you to ‘know this;’ because, this energy moves from this initial interaction, reaching-out, like a grid, touching others, affecting others, and moving on into eternity.
“I ask you this week to be observant! Learn to watch, with a keen eye, the interaction of your brothers and sisters. Be still and quiet. Watch, what is happening around you, so that you might more completely ‘know it.’ If you observe these interactions, you encounter, this week, you will begin to ‘see energy,’ at work, on Earth, in a different light.
“You will see, and observe, someone walk into a room, and change the energy of the room, by the energy they bring to that room, affecting each person in different ways, and in varying degrees. The energy that is introduced, from one to the other, is carried from one to the other.
“If you watch, closely, you will observe, that one energy, can override another energy. There is a way, to alter and modify, all energies, to bring them to Peace, to bring them into use for The Light and Glory of God; but first, you must observe, and understand, how The Energies of Interaction, affect, those involved: immediately; those passing by, on a secondary level; and all beings of eternity. This type of situation can be altered, can be glorified, can be The Light of God. But it requires observant, caring, willing, children of God to carry this out.
“This week, I ask, that you observe the energy, exchanged, one to the other. It will change your life. The energy exchanged, the energy created, the energy disbursed, between two human beings, is as powerful as, let us use, the X-ray machine. There are many times, in your daily lives, that you encounter, sources of energy, which require protection, so you will not get burned, or absorb too much of this energy. You are often protected, from X-rays. You often protect yourself, from sun rays.
“All types of energy, on Earth, can be absorbed, by the beings of Earth. Therefore, it is time for you to be, more aware of The Energies of Interaction.
“This week, watch…more. Observe…keenly. Some of you will begin, to actually see, the energy. It is powerful. It is within you. And it flows from you. I say to you, this magnificent energy, the energy of Earth, and the energy flowing to you from The Creator, is to be used for The Light and The Glory of God. But to do this, it is good to know it; to see it. The more you see it, and know it, the better you will be, at mastering, this powerful life force.
“This week, I wish for you, to come to a better understanding, of The Energies of Interaction. It will change, your life, on Earth. It will change, the life, of Earth. It will change Earth, and eternity! So I give you another Key! It is yours. Be observant.”
Sunday Sermons
Nov. 4, 2007
The Golden Truth:
God’s Love Flows To You,
Consistently, Abundantly, Constantly
(Forgive, All Transgressions, Remove All Barriers,
Which Restrict The Free Flow Of This Sacred Energy)
“Awaken! Awaken My brothers and sisters. See The Glory all about you. Rise-up, and greet the New Day. Rise-up, for I AM with you! I AM with you, now!
“And as you begin this new day, this new week, I ask you to ponder, this Golden Truth: God’s Love, flows to you, consistently, abundantly, constantly, providing that which you need, as you journey, upon the Earth.
“God does not restrict this Love, or measure this Love, flowing to you. The only impediment, to this, sacred flow of energy, are the barriers, erected, by you.
“You are intended: to be fully enlightened, as you walk the face of the Earth; to feel The Presence of God, within you! However, this energy coming to you, from God, can be interrupted, by the pockets, of darkness or shadow, within you. And, although they might be small, they still hinder The Light, from flowing through you, freely.
“To understand this more fully, imagine, that you are a crystal cylinder, clear, pure. And then imagine The Light of God flowing into, and through, the crystal cylinder that is you. As you spend days, and weeks and months and years upon the Earth, you experience, certain things, move in and out of certain situations, wherein you create thoughts, words, and deeds, to act, interact, or react to these situations. As you do this, you have the opportunity to choose…to love…or to use...other...energies.
“This is where the cylinder begins to take on pockets of darkness or shadow. And it is necessary to ‘clean house,’ from time to time, to go through your being, taking inventory, checking-off issues, situations, thoughts, words, and deeds, that have created these pockets, that are impeding, the flow of God’s Love.
“It is time to release, past injuries, hurts, animosities, anger; let it go. If you are willing to release these pockets of negative energy, then they will flow from you. And each time you go back, and forgive, and bless and release past transgressions, and present transgressions, you will feel the energy of this sacred, flowing Love, coming from God to you, magnify, within your being, grow, within your being. In other words, you will feel it light-up, your crystal cylinder!
“Think about it. Take the time this day and this week, to review your life. Go back to those areas that you still carry, that spring into your thoughts occasionally, with ‘less than love energy.’ Go back to them; bless them; and free yourself, of that spot, that obstruction, that impediment.
“Once you begin, to clean your inner-being, your inner-house, your inner-channel, you will feel The Love of God flowing through you, more freely, more fully. And it will be such an experience that you will desire, to maintain, a free-flowing channel. This will enable you to move over the face of the Earth, with new light, with healing light, with The Light of God moving you, unimpeded, over the face of the Earth.
“So on this day, I say to you, remember, this Golden Truth: God’s Love flows consistently, and abundantly, and constantly, to you. Open, and accept this Love. Be at peace, within this flowing, sacred, energy. And move over the face of the Earth, in The Light, and The Glory, of God.”
Sunday Sermons
Fear No Evil
For I AM With You
“I AM with you on this day. I AM, always, with you! And on this day, I wish to speak to you, about an energy that is heavy. Yet, My words to you, I speak in joy; for if My words can lead you to avoid this pitfall, this temptation, this energy of which I speak, then your journey upon the Earth will be one ‘of joy!’
“I wish to speak to you this day, about fear. Fear, is an insidious, burdensome, boulder, which, if left unchecked, will settle into every fiber of your being, rendering you incapable, of successfully completing your mission upon the Earth.
“Fear, is not, your friend. Fear, is a temptation, ‘of shadow.’ And if you are seduced by fear, it will subdue your spirit, and rob you, of your joy.
“I say unto you this day, reject fear; for, you are a child of God. Therefore, fear no evil, for I AM with you!
“And as I AM with you on this day, I ask you to take this moment, to close your eyes, and paint a picture, on as grand a scale as possible.
“Paint a picture in your mind’s eye, of a noble steed, galloping out of the Heavens onto the Earth. And then, within this vision see, atop this magnificent charger, a noble being, radiant as the Sun, holding high a banner, which is emblazoned with golden letters, forming the words…
“Now, study this vision closely, and see the picture, that your mind has projected. This radiant being, astride the magnificent horse, galloping out of the Heavens onto the Earth, is you!
“You are a child of God! See yourself, as this radiant being! Do not sell your soul, to the purveyors of fear. Know who you are! Let your vision be clear. The journey is yours. Therefore, I say unto you…Fear no evil; for I AM with you. Ride child of God!
“Be at Peace.”
Sunday Sermons
Do Not Sully
The Gift of God
“I AM with you. Praise the day! Sing with joy! Embrace the gifts that come your way, for I AM with you! And on this day I say unto you…
“Do not sully, the gift given, by rejecting it, outright.
“Some of you, upon hearing these words, will draw your own personal interpretation and understanding of this message, assigning this word to that thought, or this phrase to that meaning. So there is no doubt, when I say to you: ... ‘Do not sully the gift given, by rejecting it, outright.’... I AM speaking of the penultimate gift, your birthright; you are a child, of God, first, foremost, eternally, you are a child of God!
“Your lineage is ‘of God.’ Your origin is ‘of God.’ Some of you, will accept this, on one level; yet, you will reject it, on another level, protesting: ‘that you are not worthy, that you are not as holy as this one or that one, that you are not a saint, that you are not kind enough, that you are not compassionate enough.’ And I say to you, that is enough! Do not taint the gift you are given.
“If you will accept, the gift of your Heavenly Heritage, your life on Earth, as you know it, will change, immediately. I say to you… ‘Accept your lineage. Embrace your Heavenly Heritage. Gracefully, carry the responsibility, associated with the title.’ Once you do this, The Light of God will shine about you in great abundance, and miracles, will abound, wherever you go.
“Do not cast yourself in an inferior position. Do not cower in the shadow of a corner. Do not place yourself behind this one, or that one. On the Earthly plane, a parent, with many children, does not stand-up and declare, ‘I love the first child, and I love the tenth child, ten times less than the first child.’ In Heaven, God The Creator, embraces, and loves, all the children of The Kingdom, uniquely. Therefore I say unto you again...‘Do not place yourself behind this one or that one.’
“Place yourself in The Lap of God. Embrace The Presence of God within you. And then, join Me, and sing-out...‘You are my strength, from which I come! You are My God, and I am your child, forever, and ever! So be it, amen’!”